"Some of the things in life that give us true happiness are not Things" - the ad line for a bank...noticed it on a board while travelling. For the rest of the journey I was trying hard to prove this wrong, but failed. I was looking around to see if there was any*thing* that I was carrying that could give me happiness. I looked on the seat, in my bag, in my hand... the nano, laptop, cellphone, car keys, clothes, shoes, water bottle, sunglasses, maps etc.
One by one I tried to evaluate if any of those things are really a source of true happiness for me.Yeah they make life convinient but I could probably still find happiness without them. Nothing satisfactory :(
I looked out of the window....at the road ahead which was leading me to a destination that I had never been to, at the lush beauty of nature on either sides, at the open crisp blue sky above, at a little girl cycling along the road ... to add to that was the feeling of the warm sun on my skin and cool breeze carrying the tunes of old classics of Frank Sinatra playing on the music system accompanied with laughter of the people in the car whose company matter to me. And I smiled. I said a quick prayer to thank God for the beautiful life that he has given me...a life which does not depend on things for fulfillment.
Today sitting in my office cube jotting this down I was trying to recollect the events since morning that made me smile, just to double check that they were independent of *things*. So right from start:
Checked my weight to find I lost 3 pounds :)
Familiar face of the bus driver who recognized me and said hello, how are you today? :)
The view of Seattle skyline across the water while crossing the bridge, checked the sky..looks like good weather today :)
At work I got some code running, I was struggling with an issue for two days :)
Had lunch with a friend whom I had not met in the past 5 years :)
Made plans for the evening to watch Pirates of the Carribean: Dead man's chest :)
Looking forward to tomorrow's trip to Mount Rainier :)
Cool, no THINGS!!
If you are reading this feel free to check your list of events of the day and validate/invalidate my opinion.
1. My home theatre
2. Pictures of my dog, now departed.
3. My ex-car.
4. Books.
All Things.
1.Does watching a bad movie on the same home theatre give you any happiness?
3.Don't understand how a car could touch my soul. Maybe not for everyone.
4.Same as 1. Its the story or contents of the book not the thing-book.
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