Monday, February 06, 2006


Another Monday, another week.....the to-do list carried over from last week keeps growing ...the post it notes on my desktop glare at me ....yeah yeah I will do it.....
Sometimes I wonder what makes us procrastinate.....lethargy, unwillingness... if so why with the important tasks?.....we don't procrastinate watching a new movie in town or reading the new bestseller on stands or the checking the headlines or mails ....but when it comes to paying bills, doing chores, calling people ...
well no point contemplating...I don't believe I am writing an entry on procastrination....finding reasons and excuses :)...ok lets get started now

Last night I watched the superbowl for the first time ....and understood the game of football for the first time.....what I liked most about the game were the ads :D...
Superbowl ads.

India booming.........what makes me proud is that the economy has flourished because of the brains of the people in the country ...
Stock market record in India

Cool stuff :suggestions for Valentine's Day gift
Keyboard Handbag

Maybe I ll use this next time I chat with Mom, at least she wont say that I don't get to eat and am losing my glow :))
Appearance Enhancing Webcams

For a cool kitchen

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