Was having a discussion about how Google is making itself omnipresent ...how it s tracking every bit of what we do, who we are, where we go, what we like/dislike etc to create a pattern that they will use as information for targeted advertising.... Its scary to think that they know so much abt us without our consent ...
Its not only Google tracking us on the internet, every company of which I may or may not be a consumer is tracking us, our purchase capabilities, preferences etc so next time they know what to advertise to us.
A few instances pointed out in the discussion:
-Mr.X buys stuff on clearance from company Y. Y makes note of what he buys, when he buys, how frequently he buys, how much he spends, where else he buys from etc etc etc.....instantly patterns get created and soon mailboxes are flooded with flyers from Y advertising only stuff which Mr.X can afford and which he might be interested in....
So don't be surprised if you and your husband receive flyers from the same company in your mailbox and they have the same contents but the covers are different, simply to attract the right attention!
-As soon as you call the customer service of any company, they track your records and determine how valuable a customer you are....depending on your worth you will be enqueued in order for receiving assistance, so if you have not generated sufficient business or don't seem capable of it you will end up with a higher waiting time!!
-As soon as you sign into a hotel you will be given RFID tags that will track you ....as you approach the bar counter you would have already been tracked and from your past records your favorite drink would already have been served
At this rate by the time today's kids are grown ups, every minute detail about them, their whereabouts, their preferences would be accessible.....SCARY!!
Can we consciously make an effort to avoid this?
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