Sunday, October 30, 2005

To the terrorists...

What is it that make you guys kill innocent people? I wonder..... how far will this fanaticism take you? How long will you victimize souls who might even be unaware of your existence....small children, mothers, sons and daughters.How many a time will this story repeat? In how many households do you want this incident to occur where one fine day a loved one leaves home never to return again? You cant gain through someone else's loss! Is this what your religion really teaches you? Maybe you need a Mahatama and not a Mohammad!
To all of you out there committing these henious acts everyday .... to all of you who can behead a human and enjoy all of you who train yourselves to kill mercilessly need to realize that you are not here on any mission to spread your religion by are here to make this world a better place to live in....give your fellow beings ( and that DOES NOT mean ONLY your religious fraternity, though I dont think you are giving them anything better either) a better life , the next generations a better something that will contribute to the supremacy of the human race...that will take us a step further in enhancement, development....
your blood and ours is not different ....they are made of the same RBC,WBC and platelets.......your mind and ours have the same level of complexity and maturity ....then why are you biased by an opinion that you are superior? What difference will it make to your personal life if you ruled the world or not?What do you want???
I dare you to reply......anyone of you.....have the guts come on and answer.
I hope and pray to your God and mine that someday you learn to value life, someday we live together peacefully without having to worry about whether our near and dear are safe or not, someday ..... you realize your foolishness, your immaturity, your sins ....someday....